
Recession and Me

Recession and Me

1. Recession is the buzz word, even the sabzi wala uses it. 2. I have stopped going to movies every week. 3. I am in the process of changing my Airtel plan, to a cheaper…

Well, it’s office again

Well, it’s office again

For the last 5 days, I have been going to office regularly. And I stay  there for quite unusual number of hours, around 6-8 hours. But don’t worry, “I am still on BENCH”. Yet again,…

No CAT “shat”

No CAT “shat”

     My 2008 plans were pretty straight-forward. To shun my “IT  Consultant” tag, and adopt a new one, “MBA Student”. But unfortunately, something went wrong. I don’t know what. I had applied for each and…

Olympic News

Olympic News

The Torch: The torch is lighted using the rays of the Sun by a parabolic reflector at the site of the Ancient Olympics in Olympia, Greece. The torch is then taken out of Greece to…

It was my LUCK….

It was my LUCK….

LuckByChance was a horrible movie. And luckily, I watched it at home. And by chance, three more turned up for the movie, and thus we saved a fortune. Of-course, I missed the popcorns (with caramel)…

To my sister…

To my sister…

Today, I want to write about a girl, who has been with me for a very long time. Right from the childhood, we were friends. How lovely those childhood days were. I still remember some…

Where is it?

Where is it?

I am searching for something, but I don’t know what. That is the root of the problem. Many of us, rather, I would say, every one of us is searching for something, definitely, we are…