The story unfolds
The DestroyerThat's going to destroy the plane. Should do something about it. But, dont know what. May be draw a paper superman? Got to learn that first. Posted via Blogaway
The DestroyerThat's going to destroy the plane. Should do something about it. But, dont know what. May be draw a paper superman? Got to learn that first. Posted via Blogaway
3...2...1... And launchWhenever I get a piece of square or rectangular sized paper, my brain is hard-wired to make a paper plane out of it. I must have made at-least some thousands of them. And…
The 8 Week Fitness Challenge - "The Biggest Loser" The race to the day when I won't be a bachelor, begins. Just over 2 months is what I have to get in shape. And a…
Its been over 7 years that I had first stared blogging. I clearly remember my first post here. It went.. Blog, blog, blog, blog, blog, blog, Although I have now deleted that post, that memory…
The route planThe trip to Kerala on bikes. 370 odd kilometers, 2 bikes, 2 bikers, rains, sun, dust and mud. I wonder when I would go on the next bike trip. It was quite tiring,…
Got the rakhis right on time. And had to take an early morning bath. But that's OK. Anything for you sisters. :) Posted via Blogaway
How to know when is the right time to do something? The obvious answer, you would never know. Why then, some people are more successful than others? That's a good question, but doesn't have a…
In a day, only 24 hours!!! This is probably the 3rd time I feel the clocks are ticking away frantically. That's not good. Those slow motion pictures are so amazing. Wish we had that in…
When I keep falling sick. When the weather requests me to sleep longer. When my expenses are way ahead of my income. When the stupid box keeps telecasting the same old movies over and over…
Image Courtesy: Wikipedia Commons I always wonder, how other people think. Do they think the same way as I do, or differently. Every action of ours, always has at-least a handful of thoughts that cross…